by Alexander Thompson
Aug 25, 2022
2 minute read
- How Do You Ensure Your Cat Doesn’t Get Lost
- PAWAii Digital Pet ID Tag
- Conclusion
No one wants their cat to go missing. But except you learn how to prevent this, there are chances your cat can
go out one day on their own and become lost. This article will show you how to keep your furry friend safe and
sound indoors using a few practical tips and tricks.
How Do You Ensure Your Cat Doesn’t Get Lost
Neuter Your Cat
You can neuter your cat to relieve the hormonal imbalance that prompts them to run away from home when they are
in heat. This ensures they spend more time indoors and minimize their chances of getting lost.
Get a Collar
A collar with a name tag can help you find your cat quicker if they get lost. The name tag contains your name
and phone number as the owner. You can also include a reward to anyone who finds and returns your lost cat home.
Check here to learn more about PAWAii Dog Collar.
Put Them on a Leash
If you are going out with your cat, whether on training or just random walks, it is best to put them on a leash.
A cat leash ensures your cat does not run away when they find someone or something intimidating. You can still
hold them close with the leash even if they get frightened.
Use cat Bags and Flight Boxes When Going Out
Cat bags or air boxes will come in handy on your trips to the park or hospital. These safe mobile houses protect
your cat and ensure they do not run away when frightened. While it is not ideal for walking your cats, the first
thing to do if your cat runs away while outdoor is to search the area where they got lost. Most cats tend to
wait for their owners around the place they got lost.
Cat ID Tag
Digital ID tags can also help protect your cats from getting lost forever, provided you use them correctly.
Check here to learn more about What You Should Know About Pet ID Tag.

PAWAii Digital Pet ID Tag
Digital Pet ID Tag
Digital ID Tag
The digital ID tag for pets allows you to add important information like the owner’s contact, as well as basic
pet information like their allergy history, habits, and health status. If your cat ever gets lost, anyone who
finds them can check the digital ID tag to access the information needed to return them to you.
Easy to Use
You can set up this digital ID tag in just three minutes. You do not need any app or subscription to make it
work. What’s more? The entire setup process is super friendly.
Safe and Silent Design
Made from 100% food-grade silicone, this ID tag is 100% safe for your cat. The silent design ensures the tag
does not make any sound on collision, especially when your cat is running.
Strong and Bite-resistant
No matter how hard your cat tries to bite or chew on this ID tag, it does not deface it. The clear oil surface
coating ensures durability and resistance against wear and tear.
More Color Options
You can get this digital ID tag in a wide range of colors for your pet. If you are big on style, you can rest
assured of many options to choose from. Make your cat outstanding among its peers.
Finally, this article has provided a few practical ways to ensure your cats do not get lost. You can implement
them or choose the one(s) that works best for you and your cat. Whichever you choose, ensure a proper
implementation to protect your cats at all times. If you have a dog home, please check here to learn more about
How to
Prevent Your Dog from Getting Lost.
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