by Alexander Thompson
Oct 11, 2022
3 minute read
- Are The Toys Safe?
- What Are The Suitable Toys For Kittens?
- What Are The Suitable Toys For Adult Cats?
- Finally…
Toys are essential supplies in a cat’s life. You need these exciting pieces to keep your cat’s hunting instincts
and desires active. Toys also consume your cat’s physical energy and create a strong bond between you and your
furry friend. However, most cat owners do not know the right toys to choose for their cats.
Are The Toys Safe?
When choosing a cat toy, it is essential to consider several factors, among which the first and foremost one is
toy safety.
Do not choose string toys.
Balls of string, especially balls of wool, are cats’ favorites. However, they also come with some risks. For
example, your cats may swallow the threads, leading to gastrointestinal damage. In extreme cases, strings may
wind up their neck, causing suffocation.
Do not choose toys with easily dropped parts.
Cats are fond of using their toys as prey. So, they gnaw, bite, and press hard on them. Choosing toys with weak
and small parts, like the eyes of toy mice, may cause accidental swallowing.
Avoid toys that trap your cat’s claws.
Some cat toys have gaps as wide as the paw of a cat. Such toys are easy for the cat’s paw to get stuck, forcing
your cat to struggle or even injure himself while trying to break free.
Choose only sturdy toys.
It would be best if you went for durable cat toys that can withstand kicking, licking, patting, scratching,
biting, throwing, and shaking, to avoid scraps being mistakenly swallowed by your cat.
What Are The Suitable Toys For Kittens?
The curious nature of the young cats means they love exploring the outside space. It is essential to help
kittens develop good habits during this formative period. So the toys you choose at this time must help you with
the daily training of your cat. The goal should be to resolve the issue of biting that comes with teething while
developing their overall clingy personalities.

Ball Toys
Kittens love toys they can chase around. These are generally ball toys, such as bell ball toys, electric ball
toys, and track ball toys. These types of toys keep your kittens active always, serving as an outlet for their
physical strength.
Teething Toys
Cats usually start teething after three or four months. They target their owners’ hands during this period. The
only way to keep them busy is to get them some teething toys. You can make DIY teething toys or buy them from
the pet shop.
Cat Teaser
Kittens take time to get used to a new environment. Giving them longer cat teasers helps them settle faster and
eases the tension. Cats tend to interact especially when their owners are involved. That is why cat teasers are
more popular among kitties.
Scratching Board
Another toy every kitten owner should have is the cat scratching board. It meets the scratching needs of your
young cats and helps sharpen their paws. It also prevents them from scratching the bed, sofa, and other surfaces
in the house.
What Are The Suitable Toys For Adult Cats?
Adult cats tend to be less interested in toys. “Cats do not get enough exercise, especially indoor cats,” says
Susan Bulanda, a certified animal behavior consultant. However, this does not automatically translate to an
aversion to toys or play items. Adult cats benefit significantly from interactive cat toys, especially in
relieving depression and other negative emotional states.

Puzzle Toys
Puzzle toys are excellent stimulators of the cat’s mind. They drive the cat to figure out how to move past
obstacles to the ultimate prize, which can be a toy or a treat. The only hurdle here is finding the treat or toy
your cat would absolutely love. You can then lure them to play with this prize.
Electric Toys
If your cat is emotionally unavailable, it may be due to a lack of interaction with its owner. This also leads
to a significant drop in their hunting instincts. You can avoid or resolve this by introducing your cats to
electric toys. These toys are designed to make life more fun and active for you and your cats. Asides from
activating your cat’s curiosity, these toys can also make them happier and more energetic. Please note that if
you buy automatic sound toys, be careful not to increase the volume too much to startle your timid cats.
Toys That Offer Semi-enclosed Space
Cats are naturally inclined to protect themselves by hiding in an enclosed or semi-enclosed space. These include
burrows, caves, and holes in trees. Although your cats are not in the wild, these instincts remain with them.
That is why you see them drilling into cardboard boxes to create a small personal space for themselves.
Getting them toys with similar designs can create a sense of security. Such toys also help reduce stress. For
example, a toy with a cylindrical tunnel design can provide a small, semi-enclosed space for your cat to drill
into. You can also consider cat tunnels that come with hanging balls—cats love them so much!
We have seen cats become disinterested in toys after using them for a while. They only go back to such toys when
they are very bored. The only way to avoid this is to get your cats suitable toys, i.e., the toys they like. You
can throw in a few new toys periodically to keep them curious.
Every responsible cat owner should keep their pets happy always, and what better way to achieve this than with
the right toys? Click here to find out how to pick the right toy for your dog.
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