by Andrew Garcia
Jun 27, 2022
3 minute read
- When Does My Dog Need a Slow Feeder Dog Bowl?
- What Are the Pros of Slow Feeder Dog Bowl?
- What Are the Cons of The Slow Feeder Dog Bowl?
- Why Is A Stainless-Steel Dog Bowl the Best?
- Other Considerations About Dog Bowls
Some dogs swallow food in a hurry without even chewing at all. While some eat their favorite kibble like they
have been starving for days. If your dog does this, it is a problem, and you need to pay attention to it. Due to
their competitive nature, disease, and intestinal
parasites, dogs have several reasons for eating fast.
When Does My Dog Need a Slow Feeder Dog Bowl?
Apart from fast eating, there are other reasons why your dog may need a slow
feeder bowl. Slow feeder bowls are
helpful for various purposes, and you should get one for your furry friend if you notice any of the following;
Fast-Eating That Causes Throwing Up
Some pups gobble down their food, which can be detrimental to their health. Fortunately, a slow dog feeder bowl
solves this problem. This bowl is beneficial for both you and your pup. In addition, the bowl prevents your pup
from experiencing stomach pain while protecting your carpets from stains.
Bloating Tendencies
Your dog has bloating tendencies when his stomach swells or twists. Although there are several causes of
bloating, eating too fast is one of these reasons. It is essential to always watch out for bloating in your
furry friend because it can reduce the flow of blood to the heart and pressurize other organs. In addition,
bloating can tear your dog’s stomach.
Some dog breeds, however, are prone to bloating. These breeds include Setters, Great Danes, and Boxers. If your
dog has bloating tendencies, a slow feeder bowl can help improve their health while reducing bloating.
Click to learn more about PAWAii Versatile Dog Bowl.
Stealing Food
Some pups, especially in multi-dog households, devour their food very fast and then proceed to eat from another
dog’s bowl. With a slow feeder bowl, you can slow down quick eaters, giving other pets time to enjoy their
What Are the Pros of Slow Feeder Dog Bowl?
Reduces Choking
Slow feeder bowls prevent choking in dogs. The bowl prevents gobbling food, allowing your pet to chew slowly.
This bowl is especially suitable for pets that often gulp their food and choke on it.
Increased Digestion
Another benefit of using a slow dog feeder bowl is that it gives them enough time to chew their food.
Consequently, the bowl aids digestion and helps your dog absorb the nutrients they need to improve their overall
Prevents Vomiting
Slow dog feeder bowls also prevent vomiting. Because the bowl releases food in smaller portions, your furry pal
takes his time to eat and digests the food properly.
Reduces Bloating
Bloating is not harmful to
dogs. Nevertheless, it causes a lot of discomfort and farting. In addition, your dog
tends to be bloated when they consume air while eating. But with a slow feeder bowl, your dog can only eat in
smaller portions, thus reducing bloating.
What Are the Cons of The Slow Feeder Dog Bowl?
Dental Problems
Several slow dog feeder bowls may cause dental damage in dogs. This is because the bowl may hurt your dog when
he is hungry and eager to eat. Therefore, it is best to avoid using this bowl when your dog is hungry.
Another problem with your dog being hungry and excited to eat is that they may get frustrated because the slow
feeder bowl takes time before releasing food. Consequently, your dog may get hurt due to the hurdles in the
feeder bowl.
Quality is paramount when choosing a slow feeder bowl for your dog. Sub-standard dog food bowls can lead to
plastic ingestion, harming your pet’s health. Furthermore, quality dog feeder bowls are sturdy and prevent mess
when your pets eat.
Another factor to consider when choosing dog feeder bowls is the ease of cleaning. Unfortunately, slow feeder
bowls have more curves and crevices than regular feeder bowls, making them difficult to clean.
Why Is A Stainless-Steel Dog Bowl the Best?
Stainless-steel bowls are corrosion-resistant and durable. Even the most ambitious chewing dog can’t chew
through these bowls. You can try stainless-steel bowls if your pup destroys plastic bowls.

Furthermore, plastic bowls can cut your dog’s tongue, gums, or paw pads when they attempt ripping the bowls
apart and get caught in the sharp edges. However, with a stainless-steel bowl, you can prevent the potential of
Scratched plastic and ceramic bowls have cracks and crevices that can trap dog food particles. If you don’t
clean out the trapped food particles, bacteria can build up in the area, making your dog sick. On the other
hand, stainless-steel bowls are easy to clean – you can use regular dish-washing soap when cleaning the bowls.
No Chemicals
Plastic bowls are usually manufactured with chemicals, exposing your dog to dangerous toxins over time. Some
dogs even have allergies to certain plastics. Fortunately, stainless-steel bowls do not expose your dog to
chemical hazards, which has a long-term positive impact on your pet’s overall health and well-being.
More Choices
Stainless-steel bowls are available in several sizes. In addition, these bowls are inexpensive and lightweight
despite their numerous benefits. When buying a stainless-steel bowl, look for the ones with non-skid rubber
bottoms. And if you can’t get one, you can place it on a non-skid mat.
Click to learn how to choose a slow feeder dog bowl.
Other Considerations About Dog Bowls
You should get your dog an elevated feeder for relief if you notice that he finds it painful to hang his head
down to eat. Furthermore, a slow feeder is ideal for your dog if you see that he gobbles his food down fast
before you can even fill the dish. Slow feeders also reduce the risk of canine bloating or vomiting.
Furthermore, keeping your furry friend’s dish clean is essential. Avoid letting food and water linger in the
bowls for a long time. Finally, the best way to take care of your pet is to take proper care of their
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