by Andrew Garcia
Jul 27, 2022
4 minute read
- In What Ways Do Dogs Express Themselves?
- What Signs Do Dogs Use In Expressing Themselves?
- How To Read Your Dog’s Body Language?
- How to Know If Your Dog Is Communicating with You?
- Conclusion
People often say that dogs are man’s best friends. But,
people hardly understand how dogs feel or think. When trying to understand a person, non-verbal communication is
the way to go. However, with your furry pal, body language is much more critical. Consequently, all humans can
benefit from understanding how to read dog body language and how they communicate.
In What Ways Do Dogs Express Themselves?
Some people are pretty reluctant to believe that dogs are capable of expressions. But, they have their language
and can understand humans. With proper training, your pet can express himself clearly and obey orders.
emotions are usually expressed through physicality. Although they can’t show their intentions, dogs show
how they feel in any situation. Therefore, a stance, movement, or action are part of physical communication.
You can understand what your dog tells you by looking at his whole body. Pay special attention to crucial spots
like the tail, eyes, mouth, and ears. It would be best if you also looked out for changes in their physicality.
Usually, a fearful response from your dog can swiftly turn into an aggressive one.
What Signs Do Dogs Use In Expressing Themselves?
Your furry pal can show you his love, affection, and companionship by sleeping next to you. But it is not ideal
for dogs to get used to sleeping with humans. Instead, they should sleep on their own. Moreover, because a dog
is a man’s best friend, loyalty is their best quality. Your dog will love you and be utterly loyal to you for as
long as he lives.

Dogs are
wolves’ descendants, belonging to a pack is essential for them. They are quick to protect and take care
of their pack. As their owners, humans form a part of the dog pack, especially when there aren’t any other dogs
around. Usually, dogs use their pack for several things, including seeking protection, safety, and
How To Read Your Dog’s Body Language?
Learning the various components your dog uses in expressing themselves is the first step in learning how to read
your dog. Next, you must break down their different signs to read what your furry pal is telling you.
The mouth is one of the ways dogs express certain emotions. Therefore, paying attention to you dog’s mouth can
tell much about his feelings. Usually, dogs have their mouth closed or slightly open when they are happy and
relaxed. Sometimes, some dogs show submissiveness with a smile, pulling their lips straight up and showing their
front teeth. A submissive body language usually follows this action.
Dogs also express themselves through licking. Dogs lick their owners as a sign of
love, submission, obedience, and companionship. It is important to note that licking usually occurs between
mother and pup at a very young age.
Facial Expressions
Although dogs have similar facial features to people, they don’t use them similarly. For instance, people yawn
when they are bored or tired, while dogs yawn when they are stressed. Yawning is contagious in people, but it is
the same for dogs. Therefore, don’t be surprised if your dog yawns back.

Smiling or Aggression?
Another dog’s expression is smiling. However, smiling is the most confusing facial expression for dogs. Some
dogs smile, but it can look terrifying if you’re not familiar with this expression.
Usually, when dogs bare their teeth, it seems as if they are serving a warning. Therefore, it is hard to mistake
the aggressiveness of a snarl, especially when paired with a menacing growl. When smiling, the corners of the
dog’s lips form a C-shape with their front teeth fully displayed.
Dog’s ears come in different shapes, sizes, and styles. Therefore, the appearance of your dog’s ears determines
the best way to read his expression. When relaxed, your dog’s ears are usually in their normal position. But if
they are alert or aggressive, your dog’s ears will stand high and forward on their head.
Although a dog may wag its tail at you, it does not necessarily mean the dog is happy or friendly. Dogs wag
their tails when they’re happy, nervous, or feeling aggressive. A low-hung wagging tail means your dog feels
submissive, scared, or unsure of himself. However, if your dog holds his tail high and is wagging it stiffly, it
could be a sign that your furry pal is agitated or uncomfortable.
Paying attention to your dog’s overall posture is one of the best ways to understand what your furry friend
tells you. a happy, relaxed, or playful dog will exhibit a normal body posture. While a scared dog will try to
make himself appear smaller. It is important to note that your dog’s body language may appear normal, but they
may be eager or pounce around.
How to Know If Your Dog Is Communicating with You?
Avoiding Eye Contact
Dogs avoiding contact with you or another dog is exhibiting culture or avoiding a threat. For instance, your dog
may know that you know he has been naughty

Raised Fur
When humans have hair prickling on the back of the neck, it signals caution. This also applies to dogs. Your dog
is on high alert and easily excitable when the fur on his back or hind quarters is bristled or stands on end.
Leash Aggression
Your dog may have leash aggression if
she lunges, barks, and growls at other dogs while on a leash. And this has to do with your dog’s relationship
with the leash. if your dog feels restricted or anxious while wearing a leash, it is easier for her to lash out
at other pups.
Ears Forward
If your dog has ears perked up or facing forward, he is prepped for action. This usually means that your dog is
alert and could easily switch gears to aggressive or playful mode, depending on the scenario. It is important to
note, however, that catching your dog off-guard or scaring her at this moment may induce a fear-based response
Spinning is a heightened version of pacing. However, some dogs spin slowly to find the right spot for them to
lie down. But, if you notice your dog rapidly pacing and whining or panting at the same time, it is a sure sign
that your dog is worried or anxious.
Sighs and Groans
Your dog sighing
or groaning is relatively straightforward. This body language shows your dog is a little annoyed but settling.
Usually, your dog will sigh or groan when he plops into his bed after you tell him to lie down.
Dogs can also feel anxiety, anger, and playfulness. And their body language usually conveys these positive or
negative emotions. For example, a happy dog usually has ears up straight with a wagging tail, while an anxious
or fearful dog avoids eye contact while cowering or tucking its tail between its legs. Therefore, as a pet
owner, you can learn to communicate with your dog to strengthen the bond between you and your best buddy.
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